Ashlin my big 3 year old doing tap and ballet this year.
Ashlin at her first dance class where I think she talked more than she danced. She kept telling everyone that she was a pretty dancer and that her name was Ashlin.

Ashlin my little poser on her first day of preschool. She loves going and has no problem being gone from mommy for a couple hours.

Ashlin with her new Tinkerbell backpack that she is so proud of.

Potty training for Addi in full force and she is doing great. I am so proud of her and she isn't even 2 yet.

Ashlin and Addison holding their new baby cousin Bryson at the hospital. They are so excited to have two babies to love and hold.

Auntie Mandi - the proud aunt of 2 little nephews

Cute cousins and a proud mommy and aunt at the same time.

Bryson and Easton
My sister Allison had her baby boy 2 weeks after I had Easton and I am sure they will be best buds. Easton will catch up to him in weight eventually :)
Isn't he such a sweet little boy?
Grammy took this picture and she took it right at the perfect time. She is my #1 photographer!